Welcome to Algo Clan!

  • Empowering E-Commerce (Amazon, Shopify, Walmart etc.) Sellers with Cutting-Edge Technology to improve productivity, reduce costs through custom software solutions.

Are you an E-commerce marketplace seller seeking to revolutionize your business operations and accelerate growth?

We specialize in developing custom software solutions tailored to the unique needs of E-Commerce sellers like you. Our tailored software solutions give you the edge you need to automate, optimize, and scale your operations.
Experience the power of greater efficiency, reduced costs, and strategic expansion.

Seamless API (Amazon/Walmart/Shopify) Integration

Our integration with API (e.g. SP API) empowers you with real-time data insights. Monitor your performance, track inventory, and make informed decisions with ease.

Data-Driven Decisions

Harness the power of data aggregation and analysis from various sources, including Keepa and other market research tools. Gain an edge over competitors with strategic insights.

Efficient Automation

Time is your most valuable resource. Our automation tools streamline processes, from order fulfillment to customer communication, freeing you to focus on strategic growth.

Scalability in Mind

As your business flourishes, our solutions grow with you. Stay agile and responsive in a constantly evolving marketplace. Experience Success with us.

Expertise That Matters

Our team of software developers, engineers, and Product Managers with deep Marketplace expertise (i.e. Amazon/Walmart/Shopify) bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. We understand the intricacies of the E-Commerce ecosystems and are committed to delivering solutions that make a tangible impact on your business.

Customized Solutions

One size doesn't fit all. Our software solutions are meticulously crafted to address your specific pain points and objectives. From inventory management to automated pricing strategies, we've got you covered.

Crafting User-Centric E-Commerce selling Experiences

Unlock the Power of Exceptional Design with Algo Clan. In a crowded marketplace, customer experience is everything. Our approach puts your needs at the forefront, designing tools that help you outsmart the competition and win loyal customers.

Success Story 1: Decision Engine for a US based Amazon FBA seller

Challenge: Amazon's vast marketplace makes product sourcing a complex, time-consuming process. Sellers need to identify profitable niches, assess demand, and calculate accurate profit margins.

Proprietary Product Sourcing Dashboard
Proprietary Product Sourcing Dashboard

Consolidated key data points from multiple sources (Amazon tools, market research platforms, competitor data)

Built Custom Algorithms
Built Custom Algorithms

Analyzed sales trends, seasonality, and pricing dynamics to recommend high-potential products.

Delivered Ongoing Strategic Consultation
Delivered Ongoing Strategic Consultation

Helped the client interpret data to refine their product selection strategy and stay ahead of the curve.

Success Story 2: Streamlining Data for an US Based Walmart Marketplace Seller: Enhanced Reporting for Profitable Growth

The Challenge: Walmart Marketplace sellers rely on multiple reporting tools with fragmented data. Manually compiling data from Walmart, accounting systems, and advertising platforms is time-consuming and error-prone. Lack of centralized insights hinders visibility into key metrics that drive profitability.

Solutions provided by Algo Clan:
  • Developed a custom business intelligence (BI) dashboard: Integrated with Walmart Seller Portal, inventory systems, accounting software, and other relevant data sources.
  • Designed real-time reporting visualizations: Created intuitive dashboards tracking sales, inventory, profitability, advertising ROI, and more.
  • Automated report generation: Eliminated manual data manipulation, freeing up valuable time for strategic analysis.
  • Provided ongoing support and optimization: Ensured the solution evolves alongside the client's business needs.

Success Story 3: AI-Powered Inventory Allocation Supercharges Amazon Agency Growth​

The Challenge: 1) Amazon agencies manage inventory for numerous clients, needing to allocate stock strategically to meet demand and avoid stock outs. 2) Manual inventory tracking is prone to errors and fails to account for demand fluctuations and complex forecasting. 3) Lack of centralized inventory visibility creates friction between the agency and clients, impacting trust and transparency.

Solutions provided by Algo Clan:
  • Developed a custom inventory management platform: Integrated with Amazon Seller Central (SP API) and the agency's internal systems to track inventory levels in real-time across all client accounts.
  • Implemented predictive analytics models: Utilized ML/AI to forecast demand based on historical sales data, seasonality, and market trends.
  • Automated inventory allocation: Our algorithms optimized the distribution of stock across accounts, minimizing stockouts and overstocking risks.
  • Built a client-facing dashboard: Provided transparency into inventory levels, forecasts, and allocation decisions, enhancing accountability.
We Build Products, Not Just Projects

Forget project timelines. We're your dedicated product team, committed to your success from concept to launch. Your vision becomes our mission.

Your Team, Fully Managed

Skip the headaches of building and managing a development team. Focus on your core business while we handle all the technical details.

Start Building, No Strings Attached

Don't waste time assembling the right team. We leverage your expertise to create the software solution you need, with no upfront commitment.

Scale Fearlessly

Our solutions are designed to grow with your business. Whether you're starting small or expanding rapidly, we ensure your software adapts to your changing needs.

One-Stop Solution for your E-commerce business

Why Choose Algo Clan?

We deliver the power of a high-performing software team, minus the hassle of building one. Your vision is our blueprint. We provide the talent, expertise, and passion to turn that vision into reality.

We're your compass, guiding you from concept to reality

Here's how we bring your dreams to life

Project Kickoff:

We start by clearly defining the "why" behind the software. What problem are we solving? What value are we bringing to the table? We also make sure it's something we can actually pull off – technically, financially, and practically.


We sit down with everyone involved to gather detailed insights – what features are essential, what limitations we need to consider, and what technologies are the best fit. This helps us define the project's scope, allocate resources wisely, and foresee any bumps in the road.

Design Phase:

Next, we sketch out the software's blueprint. This includes a high-level architectural view, a detailed design of how all the parts will work together, and a carefully chosen tech stack. We also design a solid database structure to house all the information the software will need. Wireframes and prototypes bring these designs to life, giving us a sneak peek at the final product.

Building the Solution:

Our talented developers start writing clean, efficient code that follows industry best practices. We meticulously test each piece of the puzzle before carefully putting it all together. Rigorous testing ensures a smooth, functional product that meets your expectations.

Ready for Takeoff:

Before going live, we deploy the software to a staging environment for a final round of testing and validation. We then invite you to take it for a test drive and share your feedback. Once you're happy, we launch the software into the real world.

Supporting Your Success:

After launch, we monitor the software's performance and track any hiccups. We provide comprehensive training and user-friendly documentation to help you get the most out of your new tool. Our ongoing support ensures your software stays up-to-date and performs at its best.

Constant Evolution:

We believe in continuous improvement. We regularly gather feedback from you and other users to see how we can make the software even better. We also keep a close eye on the latest technologies and trends, always seeking ways to enhance your experience.

Growing Together:

As your needs evolve, so does your software. We plan for scalability, ensuring your software can grow along with your business. We're committed to providing reliable support, fixing any issues, and implementing updates as needed.

What we love to build with

At Algo Clan, we prioritize Python and Node.js for backend development, leveraging their versatility and robustness to build scalable and efficient server-side solutions. For frontend development, React.js is our primary choice, allowing us to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces with ease. Additionally, we utilize React Native for mobile app development, enabling us to deliver seamless experiences across different platforms while maximizing code reuse. These technologies, along with other tools in our toolkit, empower us to bring ideas to life, collaborate effectively, and deliver exceptional products that exceed the expectations of our customers.

Here’s what our amazing partners and friends are saying

I wanted to thank and to recommend him for his diligence, understanding of the private equity and tech business.

Bert van dert Vaart
Bert van dert Vaart

Chief Investment Officer at SEAF

"Our sales skyrocketed after implementing the Amazon CRM—it keeps us competitive 24/7!"

Avais Ahmed
Avais Ahmed

Managing Director at Ahmed Investments

worked with Rohan when he was part of the ICD team in charge of the VC fund in cooperation with KAUST. He has an outstanding ability to deliver projects with the team.

Nicola Bettio
Nicola Bettio

Director, Academia and Industry Partnerships at STRIP

"This repricer saved us time and boosted profits, a game-changer for our Amazon business."

Md. Saiful Islam
Md. Saiful Islam

"The decision-making tool simplified our sourcing process, guiding us to profitable product choices."

Munir Hoque
Munir Hoque

CEO Alliance Global

Rohan consistently demonstrated strong work ethics, was always eager to learn more, and develop his knowledge and help the team to move forward. He was dedicated, self-motivated, forward thinking, and a reliable team member.

Adeel Ahmed
Adeel Ahmed

Head, Special Operations ICD


  • Is Algo Clan a freelancer marketplace?

    Algo Clan is a technology consulting firm. Our team members are full-time employees.

  • Who owns the intellectual property for any custom software development for a client?

    We build software for clients. The relevant codebase will always be under the ownership of the clients.

  • How does your billing work?

    We charge a fixed monthly fee per team. Every project is unique and we always try to build the best team to execute.

  • What happens when the project is completed?

    After the software is feature completed (up to the initial feature planned), with the request of the client we help transition the product to an in-house team on client side.

  • Does Algo Clan require a long-term contract?

    We typically have multiple engagement types- month to month, fixed project, resource centric etc.

    If its month to month the client may cancel with a month notice in advance. We take the time to make sure we can handle the transition as smooth as possible on both the side.

Any questions?


Give us a call at +1 587 287 8171

or drop a line at rohan@algoclan.ca

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