About Me

Your Fractional Product Management Partner

Hi, this is Rohan, a seasoned product leader with a passion for helping early-stage businesses find their footing. I understand that the early days are a whirlwind of ideas, experiments, and uncertainty. That’s where I come in.

Core Competencies & Impacts


Identifying and validating high-potential product opportunities

I've led numerous market research initiatives, conducted countless customer interviews, and analyzed vast amounts of data to uncover hidden opportunities and validate product ideas. My goal is to help you find the sweet spot where your product meets a real market need.


Developing and executing product strategies:

I've crafted comprehensive product roadmaps, prioritized features based on impact and feasibility, and managed product launches from concept to market. I'll help you navigate the complexities of product development and ensure your product is set up for success.


Building and leading cross-functional teams:

I've collaborated with diverse teams of designers, engineers, marketers, and other stakeholders to bring products to life. I'll help you foster a collaborative environment where everyone is aligned on goals and working together to achieve them.


Driving user engagement and growth

I've implemented data-driven strategies to increase user acquisition, activation, retention, and monetization. I'll help you understand your users, their behavior, and how to create a product that keeps them coming back for more.

Your Fractional Product Manager for Pre and Post Product Market Fit

 My experience spans both bulge bracket firms like Morgan Stanley and high-growth startups like Trust Science, giving me a unique blend of strategic vision, technical acumen, and hands-on experience. I’ve also had the privilege of working with over 100 early-stage companies as part of the IDB Group’s portfolio and fastest growing accelerators like CDL (Creative Destruction Lab), where I honed my skills in product discovery, validation, and go-to-market strategy.

My Approach

I believe in a collaborative, data-driven, and customer-centric approach to product management. I work closely with my clients to understand their unique needs and challenges, and I leverage data and insights to make informed decisions that drive results.

Let's Build Something Great Together

If you’re an early-stage eCommerce business looking for a fractional product manager who can help you achieve product-market fit and drive sustainable growth, I’d love to chat. Contact me today to discuss your product goals and how I can help you achieve them.

At AlgoClan, our mission is to empower businesses through innovative and tailored software solutions. We envision a world where technology seamlessly integrates with every aspect of your operations, driving growth and unlocking potential. Our commitment to excellence and personalized development ensures that we not only meet your needs but also exceed your expectations, crafting software that truly elevates your business.


Industries I've Worked with

I’ve spearheaded successful product strategies across diverse industries, focusing on B2B SaaS platforms, e-commerce ventures, and mobile apps. My expertise lies in user acquisition and growth, revenue generation, customer retention, and market expansion. I’m passionate about driving measurable results and delivering exceptional user experiences.

Proven Success: Stories from the Field

I wanted to thank and to recommend him for his diligence, understanding of the private equity and tech business.

Bert van dert Vaart

Chief Investment Officer at SEAF

Our sales skyrocketed after implementing the Amazon CRM—it keeps us competitive 24/7!

Avais Ahmed

Managing Director at Ahmed Investments

worked with Rohan when he was part of the ICD team in charge of the VC fund in cooperation with KAUST. He has an outstanding ability to deliver projects with the team.

Nicola Bettio

Director, Academia and Industry Partnerships at STRIP

Rohan consistently demonstrated strong work ethics, was always eager to learn more, and develop his knowledge and help the team to move forward. He was dedicated, self-motivated, forward thinking, and a reliable team member.

Adeel Ahmed

Head, Special Operations ICD

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